Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology


CSIR - Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology

Mall Road, Delhi-110 007
Ph. No. 91-011-27666156, 27666157, 27667602, 27667439 
Email: coa[at]igib[dot]res[dot]in


     Our Mission

"To translate concepts developed in basic biological research to commercially viable technologies for health care"

CSIR-IGIB (Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology) is a premier Institute carrying out research leading to generation of new knowledge and development of technologies in various areas of Modern Biotechnology with a special focus on  Genomics and Genome informatics



Office Memorandums


Award of contracts




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CSIR-IGIB (Institute of genomics and Integrative Biology) formerly Centre for Biochemical Technology (CBT) is a constituent Laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) engaged in various aspects of Biotechnology research. Centre was established with the core competence in preparative biochemistry for isolation of fine biochemicals from natural resources viz., proteins, lipids, enzymes; synthesizing bioorganic compounds like peptides, oligonucleotides and preparing reagents required for recombinant - DNA research. As biochemical technology enters the genomics era, the Centre is in the process of transforming from a singular laboratory working in the area of biochemical research to a network laboratory, leading to the formation of a virtual institute of new biology. 

   IGIB Web Mail     



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CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology
Near Jubilee Hall, Mall Road, Delhi-110 007
Ph. No. 91-011-27666156, 27666157, 27667602, 27667439
Email: coa[at]igib[dot]res[dot]ineXTReMe Tracker

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